Monday, October 11, 2010

Dear Utah...

Dear State of Utah,
Now we know that you and I are not the best of friends. Sure, your mountains are sometimes pretty and I thank you for the few days last week that you rained water and not pollution. But most of the time you are brown, rain dirt, and your people do not know how to drive. I would now like to add something to my list of things I do not like about you. Utah Starbucks. Today I decided to begin my Fall/Winter ritual of drinking Carmel Apple Spice from Starbucks. First of all, your Starbucks do not come equipped with a drive through. This needs to change. Also, I waited too long for my drink. There were 3 workers and only one of them making the drinks. And when I say "no whip cream please" I'd really appreciate it if they didn't put whip cream on my drink.
Thank you Utah for giving me one more reason to dislike you and for making me just that much more homesick.
I wish you were more like Washington.
a Washingtonian for LIFE


  1. Oh my gosh, I needed a good laugh tonight! Just pack your bags and come home. We do it soooo right here!

  2. You totally crack me up! I love you so very much!!!
