Wednesday, June 1, 2011

"Stressful people are annoying"

Didn't you know? Apparently stressful people are annoying.
Am I annoying?
Because I stress...a lot.

I don't know if you remember the last time my store manager went out of town. She left me in charge of the store and put me in charge of the floorset. We all managed to survive. The store didn't burn down, no major problems occurred, and I didn't fall apart. Remember when she came back? All I heard for like 3 days was everything that I did wrong. Not that I'm already hard on myself. Needless to say that experience scared me.

Guess what I found out today! My manager is going out of town for a WHOLE ENTIRE WEEK. I'm going to die.

Not only will she be gone a whole week but I'm in charge of another floorset. And I get to run the store WHILE going to school. The assistant manager is pregnant and due in 2 months. The other sales lead lives in Salt Lake and doesn't have a working car. Not to mention that our district manager is concerned that our store manager will be gone for so long. She doesn't think we can handle it.

Just shoot me now.

So not only am I stressed but I'm hormonal and ticked off. This is going to be a great week I know it!

Just let me vent for a second - it's okay for me to be stressed right? I like to have control and so I stress about things I have no control over. Stupid I know. I do like a little bit of stress in my life. But there are times when I tend to go a little overboard and freak out, maybe even panic for a second. But that doesn't mean that I can't handle it. I served a mission in Germany. I can do hard things. I just happen to stress while in the process.
[My poor future husband. Trust me, I know I'm nuts]


  1. Deep breath. Everything is going to be okay.

  2. We can do it Rach, we can do it!! To be 100% honest, I wish YOU were our manager! You do an amazing job!

  3. hahaha Annie I LOVE YOU! If I was our manager I would probably explode. haha I stress enough and I'm not even the assistant manager. We CAN do it though :D the next few days are going to be a little nuts but by the time Tracey gets back we'll be more than okay ;)

  4. One day at a time and remember to breathe! I have great confidence in you - you can do this and do it well. Big hugs and kisses!
