Thursday, June 2, 2011

the PERFECT man

So I don't know if all the men in Utah are on the same cycle or what but my friends and I have managed to get involved with men who make me want to put my foot in their asses.
It's not fair. My friends are incredible. What guy out there wouldn't want to be with them?! Seriously. Boys, you should consider yourselves lucky if any of my friends decide to take a moment of their precious time to even look at you.
I've thought about all the things my friends have said about these boys, all the things that frustrate them or make them feel bad. And I've thought about the all the guys in my life, all the things that frustrated/frustrate me and all the things that have/do make me feel bad.
I longed to be closer to my Father in Heaven.
Because He is the PERFECT man.
He doesn't make me feel worse about myself.
He doesn't think I'm annoying because I stress.
He doesn't make me feel stupid when I cry.
He doesn't interrupt me when I'm talking.
He doesn't ignore me.
He doesn't take advantage of me when I'm weak.
He doesn't text me - therefore I'm never waiting by my phone.
He doesn't judge me when I analyze everything I say and do.
He knows I'm not perfect (even though I am) and He loves me anyway.
He listens to everything I say and everything I don't say.
He has patience with me and doesn't make me feel bad about it.
He is never too busy.
He never says stupid things.
He sends angels to help me when He can't be there.
He gives me more than I deserve.
He never lets me down.


  1. Having a bad time of the dating game lately? On behalf of men everywhere, I apologize.

    On behalf of the guys in this world who are actually descent, I take issue with being lumped into a group with the ones that aren't. :)

  2. I love it Rachel. I know exactly what you are saying. Heavenly Father is the perfect man. Men who strive to be like Him are so great to be around. I feel like we all lose touch with Him and forget that we are sons and daughters of a perfect parent who wants us to be happy. We all need to be treated like the princesses and princes that we are and can become. Thanks for putting it out there love.
