Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Old Maid

"Jane will be quite an old maid soon, I declare. She is almost three and twenty! Lord, how ashamed I should be of not being married before three and twenty!"

My name is Rach and sometimes I am ashamed of not being married before three and twenty.

Yesterday at work I met a woman who is LDS (surprise) but she asked me how old I was. I had to think for a minute - because I had honestly forgotten how old I was - then I remembered and (shamefully) replied that I am 24 years old. First of all, when did that happen?! Secondly, I shouldn't be ashamed to admit that I'm 24 years old, but I am sometimes because I feel like people will then look at my left hand and find it completely empty. No 'ring'.

I blame it on our culture. Even though the quote from the beginning of this post was written by Jane Austen in a time completely different in almost every way from the times we are living in, I feel like our little Mormon culture hasn't changed in that respect.

Most of the time I am proud to say that I am 24 and NOT married. I don't need to be married to be happy. I enjoy being on my own - I mean, come on, once I'm married it'll be for eternity. That's like a really long time. I might as well be single and enjoy it because marriage will be forever long.

But there are those times when I feel like people are judging me! Like there's something wrong with me because I'm 24 and not married. Do you know what that's like, living in a culture where people think that there could be something wrong with you because you aren't married yet? I know I'm probably being a little paranoid and like everyone pays that close attention to my life. But I do feel like an old maid sometimes.

Freak, I'm turning 25 this year. Do you know what that means? It means that in another 5 years I'll be 30. Not that there's anything wrong with getting older, it's just a little scary. I still feel like I'm 18 - I know nothing and everything at the same time.

I'm just trying to say that there isn't anything wrong with me because I'm almost 25 and NOT married! I try really hard to do what Heavenly Father wants me to do. If He wanted me to be married right now, I'd be married. Obviously now is not the time.

:D So bring on all the cute guys and let me flirt away!

Plus, it's all about how young you feel (and act) right??


  1. Rach, I am 29 very soon to be thirty, I'm married and I still feel like i'm 18-- knowing nothing and everything at the same time. Sometimes I still want to just show up in mom's back yard like I used to. Don't worry about not being married or getting older. You are so awesome just the way you are and growing just as heavenly father would want. I love you.

  2. I think you are wonderful and amazing, Rach! And I think it is wonderful that you get to experience so many great things, like Germany, on your own! Obviously, being married is a fantastic gift, and it is one of the greatest gifts we are fortunate enough to experience, but there is also much to be said for discovering yourself and the world and truly learning who you are and what you want before entering into that eternal bliss! I am proud of you and what you have accomplished, and you should be too! I say, stick out your left hand and say with pride, "I am four and twenty, and NOT married! And I have been to Germany! Want some Milka bars?" LOVE YOU RACH!

  3. So, I found you! I am thirty. I have been called old maid, spinster, maiden aunt, mismatched, etc. You just got to love the culture and the amazingly stupid questions people ask. Like, "so why are you not married yet?" Or my personal favorite "So you have your masters, when are you going to get your M-R-S? You are awesome Rach. Yes it is weird and no just because someone is following you doesn't make you paranoid. You can be like me. My niece said I was the coolest old person she knew. :)

  4. You're practically perfect in everyway! Some lucky guy will come along when the time is right. Until then, enjoy your life!! And don't listen to stupid people.

  5. Age is relative! I still wonder who the old woman is looking back at me in the mirror. I still feel young and think I am until I see my reflection. I'm thinking people in Seattle would NEVER say such rude things!
