Friday, May 20, 2011


Ok so I realize that it's been a while since I've posted anything. My life has been CRAZY. Seriously. But I don't have to work for 3 whole days! So I'll try and catch up on some posts :)
I flew HOME a few weeks ago and stayed for a whole entire week! It was bliss! Could life have been better? I submit that it could not!
Here are some pictures of what I did:

Family dinner at Gramma and Gramper's house - included blowing and poping bubbles outside on the deck - there was also some Justin Bieber songs sung at the kids table. I may or may not have been apart of that...

Babysitting my boys:

I asked them what their favorite part of Despicable Me was....

They both said: "The FART GUN!"

I wasn't surprised.

I made the most adorable ruffle pillow! And I actually helped make it!

Played with Sydney:

I was petting her while we were on the couch and she did something she's never done before: I stopped petting her and she turned and looked at me, and she started opening and closing her mouth like she was trying to speak to me. She did that every time I stopped petting her. I think she was trying to tell me not to stop petting her

Family pictures:
We're laughing in this one because Adam farted...

I also:
went to dinner with my friend Erin
shopped in Seattle with mom and gramma
had dinner at my aunt and uncle's house
saw Jane Eyre with mom and gramma
went to early morning Seminary - once
sat around with nothing to do
watched a couple episodes of ALIAS with dad
watched Despicable Me twice
ate lots of chips
slept in
one day I didn't even get dressed

and I left wishing I didn't have to go back to life....


  1. ... and you left me wishing you didn't have to go back to your life...

  2. yes, that is bliss. blissification.
