Friday, May 20, 2011

I love shoes

I love shoes.

Not all shoes.

Just certain ones.

I like the way certain shoes look.

I also like the way they make me feel.

But I'm still trying to find my perfect pair of shoes...

About a month ago I decided to try a certain pair of shoes. These shoes were cute, not really my usual style, but I thought I'd give them a try. I wore them once to dinner. I had fun. But after wearing them a couple more times I realized that they were comfortable sometimes and other times they just didn't feel right. I decided to stop wearing them.

A few weeks ago I found another pair of shoes. These shoes are very nice to look at. I wear them to church. These are flirty shoes. I like that. I think I'm going to keep wearing them for a while...

Around the same time I found the flirty shoes, I found another pair. This pair is cute and comfortable. I wear them to school. I'm not sure if these shoes make me feel old though. We'll see how these shoes work out...


  1. My favorite shoes are old and well worn. I love them because they never disappoint and always make me happy. I know I made a good choice with these shoes and hope you also find the "perfect" shoes!

  2. I have an old gray pair that I'm gonna keep forever!

  3. My favorite shoes are my running shoes. Can't live without them.
