Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Judge Free Zone

Today is my day off. It's now 3pm and I have yet to shower and get dressed. I've been up since 10:30 cleaning.
As I stood and looked over my work I realized that I haven't taken pictures of my apartment. And what better time to take pictures of it then when it's clean right?!

What you need to know is that our apartment is a JUDGE FREE ZONE:

The couches scare me. So I bought a comforter to put over it. Didn't quite cover the whole couch like I wanted. Don't judge the couch.

Ignore the bags of garbage that need to be taken out. I spent the morning cleaning and I'm not presentable enough to step outside the apartment. Don't judge.

Now we head to MY room! You can tell it's my room because it's mostly pink.

I'm 23 years old and my room is covered in pink and I have a painting of a princess crown on my wall. I am the Princess. Don't judge me!

In my room, it's all about me...

Well I hope you enjoyed a little insight into my world. I know it's nothing grand and wonderful. But it's my home away from home...

1 comment:

  1. All I have to say is.... COOLEST. ROOM. EVER. Scratch that, COOLEST. APARTMENT. EVER. I would love to live there with you!
