Sunday, August 21, 2011

I am a big fan of blogs: from another blog

Today in Church we talked about TALENTS. This is something I've been subconsciously thinking about for a while.

Wishing that I could be like more like Keri Ranzenberger, who just makes everything look good! I wish I could just throw my hair up like hers and have it look that good. Or that I could be as funny as her (which is actually why I started my blog in the first place because I thought that I could maybe be as funny as she is).

Wishing I could have the courage to just buy something and change it to look just like I want it to just like the women who's blogs I follow do.

Wishing that I had my own place...not owned by some apartment people...that I could decorate however I that my apartment could be just as cute as ones I see in pictures and blogs.

Wishing that I could take pictures and make them look as cool as Lara Nelson's that are on her blog.

Wishing that I had the self-assurance that Alisha Geary has and how she always makes me feel better about myself after talking to her.

Wishing that I had life figured out and that I was more put together and looked as beautiful as Miss Ashley Jones who looks freaking gorgeous and totally put together every time I see her.

Wishing that I could always be happy and laughing like Megan Tucker - because she's always laughing and that makes me laugh.

Wishing that I had the desire to keep cleaning my apartment like my roommate Alex Hodge, who's always cleaning which makes me feel bad because I just want to lay around...or blog...

Anyway I could go on and on and on and on about the women that I wish I was more like. But I read this blogpost today and I really appreciated what she said. So thank you: Jones Design Co. for this post...and for letting me post it on my blog. Because let's be honest...I wish my blog looked as cute as yours...

I am a big fan of blogs


  1. i wish i could be as confident, kind, understanding, and organized as rachel doty. loved this post and the link. rach - i love you and you're awesome. i'm so glad we're friends. :D

  2. You are just fine the way you are!
