Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Curse you Facebook!

So I have this crush on a kid in one of my classes. K, I just think he's cute. I really don't know him that well. We've talked like maybe 5 times.

Instead of being a normal person and just talking to him and try to get to know him better...I decided to facebook stalk him. <--Mistake #1

I realized that I didn't even know his name. So I couldn't even find him on fbook so I could stalk him.
Instead of being a normal person and just asking him his name (you know so we could TALK more), I (like a creeper) looked over his shoulder in class and saw his name on one of his papers. <--Mistake #2 [I blame this one on all the spy shows I watch]

Yay I found out his name and now I can find him on fbook!
So of course late Friday night I fbook stalk him. <--Mistake #3 [I was alone. NEVER fbook stalk someone by yourself. You'll end up doing something stupid. Trust me.]

You guessed it. I did something stupid. I sent a friend request. <--Mistake #4. We've only talked like maybe 5 times. He probably doesn't even know my name.
But of course I justify it because we had talked so long in class earlier that day. Why would he not want to be fbook friends with me?

Monday rolls around. He still hasn't accepted my friend request. I'm not too worried about it because maybe he doesn't get on fbook that often. But that still doesn't keep me from feeling awkward when I get to class. Because I know that I sent the request. But has he seen it? And if he has, how come he hasn't accepted it?

Then comes Mistake #5 [no I didn't say anything to him in class], I looked on his fbook again. Guess what. He's been on his fbook since I sent that embarrassing friend request. He still hasn't accepted.
And of course it's too late to take back the friend request (which I learned you can do).

And we wonder why I'm not dating anyone....

Curse you Facebook for providing girls with opportunities to do stupid things and embarrass ourselves.
Because I don't already do that.

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