Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October Bestie Day

My friends and I call eachother BESTIES (it's an inside joke). One of my Besties decided that we should have a BESTIE DAY - a day that we spent together doing fun things. So Bestie Chad planned our BESTIE DAY filled with Halloween activities: a spooky lunch, pumpkin patch, carving pumpkins, and watch a scary movie.
Spooky Lunch: included mummies and swamp creatures

Pumpkin patch: well, it was POURING down rain...and we weren't prepared for rain (SO embarrassing since 3 of the BESTIES are from the Seattle area) but we got some yummy treats and took LOTS of pictures!

Pumpkin Carving: k so we had to get our pumpkins from the grocery store...and I don't have any pictures of us carving pumpkins (shame on me) BUT thanks to Bestie Keri, we have a few pumpkin carving pics:

Scary Movie: we watched The Others

BESTIE DAY was AWESOME! We decided that we're going to have BESTIE DAY once a month!

Don't test these BESTIES!

1 comment:

  1. yay for Bestie Day, but when you think about it . . . everyday is Bestie Day!
